Child’s Lost Christmas Gifts Returned After Being Found on Side of Road
As a family was driving home on Christmas Eve, a large bag of Christmas presents fell out of the bed of the truck.
Dawstin Chattin’s mother, Jaclyn, said her 5-year-old son’s gifts went missing. “We had them all wrapped up in the back of the truck,” said Jaclyn. “And my husband was driving behind us and he went to make a turn and didn’t realize the bag fell out.”
The gifts ended up on the side of the road, and a man found them the next morning. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said a man turned them in, and with the help of social media, they were able to locate the owners.
“What a wonderful story,” Tommy Liter with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said. “Every day we go to work we have some tough calls and not all of them work out the way we like them to and with this one, all the pieces seem to fit.”
“Oh it was a big relief, my dad had tagged me in it and said they found it and turned it into the sheriff’s office and we were just ecstatic,” Jaclyn Chattin said. “We would like to say a big thank you and to the man who turned them in, we’re grateful.”
Image source: Fox17