Stranger Passes Heartfelt Note to Woman Crying on Subway
Ceara Ledwith is an actress in New York City that has had an especially hard year. Her mental health was suffering greatly until she joined a class that became her creative space and gave her a sense of community.
Eventually, she decided to leave the class which left her feeling lost and hopeless, and questioning her future as an actor. Ledwith was visibly upset after saying goodbye to her classmates as she hopped on the A train heading downtown to work. She cried silently underneath her mask when she awkwardly made eye contact with a man sitting across from her.
“I could just see the empathy and compassion in his eyes. It made me kind of embarrassed, but it was also kind of comforting to not feel alone,” said Ledwith.
She finally got lost in her phone when someone stuck a piece of paper in front of her face. She thought someone was trying to sell her something, so she said, “no thank you.” The stranger shook the paper again, so Ledwith looked up, realizing it was him, and took the paper as he jumped off the train.
“I immediately read the note and started bawling again. It really resonated hard with a lot of the things I was feeling, and I was amazed at his kindness,” Ledwith said.
The stranger left his number on the note, so she texted him to say thank you.
“We left it there and the rest is history,” said Ledwith. “I appreciated how wholesome and genuine it was. Just a good guy spreading good energy in a hard time.”
Image source: Ceara Ledwith