Three Women Go on Road Trip Together After Finding Out They Were Dating Same Man
Seven months ago, Ari Roberts, Bekah King and Morgan Tabor found out they were all dating the same man. Turns out, it was not just the three of them, either — the man was dating six different women at the same time.
Tabor said she dated him in 2018 for about a year. King met him that year and started dating him in the summer of 2020, and Roberts met him during Halloween in 2020.
Their surprising friendship started last December, when Tabor said she had a suspicious feeling about her boyfriend. They had been dating on and off for years, but had just decided to date exclusively. After some digging on social media, Tabor connected with Abby and eventually all the other women dating the man.
Instead of seeking revenge, the trio decided to join forces and convert a 30-year-old school bus to travel the country together.
“We started in Boise, Idaho, where the whole build-out took place, and then we traveled east through Idaho,” Roberts told “Good Morning America.” “We went to some really cool hot springs through Ketchum, which is a beautiful area there. And then we went through the Grand Tetons, which was so much fun. And then we went through Jackson, through Yellowstone. We were just in Bozeman, Montana, and now we’re back near Yellowstone.”
“We’re winging it a little bit,” added Tabor. “Like we have a rough draft route, but we’re open to not following it. Kind of just opportunities and people we meet, we’ll go from there.”
They’re documenting the journey on their Instagram and TikTok page, @the.bam.bus and forming a bond stronger than any man can break.
“Something we love to share with everyone, and especially girls who are maybe in a similar situation or going through something, is just to keep your head up. Keep going, you got this!” said Tabor.
Roberts added, “Surround yourself with people that lift you up and don’t tear you down, because I think that’s what happened with all of us like in our different relationships with the same guy. I think there is a lot of tearing down and it sucks.”
Image source: Daily Mail