Worried Taco Truck Owner Goes Viral on TikTok for Checking in on Loyal Customer

A college student named Ker posted a TikTok video of a heartwarming voicemail she received from the owner of Taco Tom’s Lonchera in Vancouver, Washington. “Thinking about the time the taco truck man hadn’t seen me in eight months and called me to see if I was still alive,” she captioned the video.
Thomas, the taco truck owner, says in the voicemail, ‘this is Thomas, from the taco truck, it’s a long time since I seen you, and I’m worried about you. How are you? I hope you’re good. Ok take care, bye bye.”
Ker explained that the voicemail is from 2018, when she was having some health issues. She had been visiting the taco truck regularly for 12 years and did not visit for several months while she was ill. They have each other’s phone number so that she can find out where he is when she wants to stop by.
Ker is still a regular visitor at the taco truck, and she made another video as she stopped by one day. TikTok users were so touched by the videos that they sent in donations to support Thomas’ truck. Ker handed him the $351 and praised him for being “humble” and “kind.”
“If you are local go by his family truck and support his business,” she continued. After receiving the kind donations, Thomas said, “I just want to say thank you to everybody. I know it’s from your heart.”